School started three weeks ago for the big kids, and preschool began last week. Everyone is loving it (well everything but the getting up in the morning, homework, and busy after school schedule)!!-kind of makes me wonder what they are loving-
The older boys are both in Jr. High. Every morning they leave before 7:30 and walk nearly a mile to get the KJH. Ethan,in 8th grade, is doing better this year in school, but still struggles to get homework done and turned in. Braden is in 7th grade and just turned twelve this last week. He is taking general ed classes and chinese as his foreign language. The adjustment to jr. high is a tough one, but he is a tough kid and will make it. (I love, love how kind he is-I pray he never loses that)
The girls are the only ones left at Kaysville Elementary this year. Morgan is in fourth grade with Mrs. Simonsen. She is a great student, and a great friend-that is if she can find one to be good to her too. Brooklynn is in second grade with Mrs. Flint, a teacher that Morgan had. She does her homework every day without being asked. She is a good reader, and even reads to Logan so he can get his reading minutes too.
Logan is in Kindergarten at Eagle Bay elementary. He rides the bus every morning at 7:45. Most mornings I have to drag him out of bed and sit him in the bathroom while I run to get his clothes. I get him dressed as quickly as possible while he drinks some hot chocolate milk with protein powder in it. Some mornings he is done with his drink before the bus comes, but sometimes we just are fast enough and he takes a sippy cup on the bus. He goes to functional skills class with Mr. Brad, or an aid will take him to the regular Ed. class with Mrs. Yardley. School gets out at 11:30, and he takes the bus home. I carry him off the bus at 12:15 because he always falls asleep within the first five minutes of his long ride home. He is talking more and loves to be read to. We are grateful he is attempting to say words, even if he insists his name is Diego. (Gotta love "Go, Diego, Go")
Larkin is in preschool down the road with four other girls-NO BOYS!!- She loves her teacher, Brooke MacFarlane. We are excited because she teaches them phonics and helps them memorize the articles of faith as part of her curriculum . Larkin only goes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11.
Catelynn is a cuddle bug!!! She always wants to be held and will wrap her arms around my neck to grab my ponytail with both hands. She still won't sleep through the night, but instead wants to nurse from three o'clock on. She started walking at 10 months old and thinks she is soooo grown up. She notices when the big kids get somethings she doesn't and screams until they share.
I am trying to enjoy the quiet moments I have, and not waste them on household chores. I have been getting some tomatoes and peaches canned. (tomorrow I do the pears) I miss having the kids home. They are such good helpers, I miss them!!
Mason likes to say, "Hmm, delicioso!" We love Dora & Diego too! Have fun canning! Fall is the best time of year! I just did peach freezer jam. ;)