Sunday, July 15, 2018


My two boys left this last year for their missions. Ethan left in April for Berlin, Germany. Braden left right before Christmas for the Washington D.C. south mission. I miss them both terribly but know they are out their doing all that is asked of them. I pray they are doing their best and growing in ways that will benefit them for their futures. Braden seems to be doing well. His letter seem happy, and hopeful and healthy. Ethan seems to be struggling. Sometimes with loneliness but mostly with knee pain. We got a call this last week from the Mission president informing us that they will most likely be sending him home for knee surgery. I worry about his mental health coming home early, but physical pain NOW, trumps mental and spiritual angus LATER I suppose. I am very proud of both my boys. Mission can't be easy! No matter when they come home, I am proud they went, did their best, and increased in testimony while sharing the gospel with others.

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