Friday, June 10, 2011

A few Saturdays ago we were trying to decide what to do. I suggested planting the garden.

Shad-Then, I need to buy a tiller!!
Me- Why can't we borrow one?
Shad- Because I don't like borrowing- plus then I can have my own. Also I am getting a bonus and I would like to spend some of it on something I want. I wanted a tiller and a deck. If YOU want a garden then I need to buy a tiller!
Me-If we are going to spend money, then why not build a deck and borrow a tiller? That way we have something we can enjoy all summer long. Plus, Logan won't be able to dig in the dirt pile by the back door and dump buckets full in my kitchen and carry it upstairs and flush it down the toilet (yes he did that, twice - ahhh that kid!)

So, we measured and decided on a size for our deck. He called friends to come and help. It was finish in five hours and that included dinner. (it still needs to be stained, but that is being saved for another Saturday.)

I am loving it. My house has been cleaner and the kids think it is a stage, play house, bike trail, etc. I LOVE IT!! Thanks Shad for borrowing a tiller and building me a deck!

Oh, this is Logan after the deck was built playing "Dog". He is so silly sometimes and I couldn't not share the picture.

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